Thanos’s Power Level: Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, even without the Infinity Stones. His physical strength, combat skills, and strategic thinking surpass many other characters, including the Hulk. Thanos has been established as a Titan, with immense physical capabilities and durability.
Hulk’s State of Mind and Overconfidence: By the time of Infinity War, Hulk had been through a lot, including the events of Thor: Ragnarok. The Hulk’s confidence might have led him to underestimate Thanos, especially since he hadn’t faced someone of Thanos’s caliber before.
Lack of Strategy: Hulk often relies on brute strength rather than tactical fighting. Thanos, on the other hand, is not only strong but also a master combatant who uses strategy in battle. This was particularly evident when Thanos managed to use Hulk’s momentum against him, leading to Hulk’s defeat.
Bruce Banner’s Influence: At this point in the storyline, Bruce Banner and Hulk were still struggling with their shared consciousness. Banner’s more cautious nature might have inadvertently affected Hulk’s performance, or at least, his typical ferocity might not have been fully channeled due to this internal conflict.
Thanos’s Experience: Thanos has been fighting for centuries, dealing with numerous threats across the universe. His experience in combat gave him an edge over Hulk, who, despite being incredibly strong, doesn’t have the same breadth of combat experience.
Narrative Choice: From a storytelling perspective, Thanos needed to be shown as an overwhelming threat to set up the stakes for Infinity War and Endgame. Defeating Hulk early in the movie established Thanos as a formidable adversary, creating tension and setting the tone for the rest of the film.
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