Basic Information:

Real Name: Reed Richards

Aliases: Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom (briefly), “Big Brain” (in an alternate reality)

Affiliations: Leader of the Fantastic Four, member of the Illuminati, Future Foundation


Origin: Reed Richards was born to Nathaniel and Evelyn Richards. He was recognized as a child prodigy, showing remarkable intelligence early on.

Reed studied at various prestigious universities, including the University of Vienna, where he met Alyssa Moy. His academic mentors included Noah Baxter and Professor Roderick Van Nuys.

Early Life: At State University, Reed crushed a malignant Micro-Universe in his hands, saving Earth but also encountering his future rival, Victor von Doom. This incident marked the beginning of their lifelong rivalry.

Formation of the Fantastic Four: After leaving the army, Reed, along with his childhood friend Ben Grimm, his love interest Susan Storm, and her brother Johnny, embarked on an unauthorized test flight of a spacecraft Reed had designed.

This flight was bombarded by cosmic rays, granting each of them superhuman abilities. Reed gained the power to stretch and manipulate his body into various shapes.

Powers and Abilities:

Super-Genius Intelligence: Reed is considered one of the smartest beings on Earth, with mastery over numerous scientific fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology.

Elasticity: His main power allows him to stretch, expand, and compress his body, turning himself into various shapes or even disguising himself.

His body can become ultra-thin or ultra-dense, aiding in combat or protection.

Leadership: Reed is a natural leader, guiding the Fantastic Four through countless crises and threats.

Family and Relationships: Susan Storm (Invisible Woman): Reed’s wife, with whom he has two children, Franklin and Valeria Richards.

Ben Grimm (The Thing) and Johnny Storm (Human Torch): His teammates and close friends, forming the core of the Fantastic Four.

Enemies: Notably, Victor von Doom, with whom he shares a deep-seated rivalry stemming from their university days. Other foes include the Wizard, Mole Man, and Namor the Sub-Mariner, the latter having a romantic history with Sue.

Alternate Versions:

Marvel 1602: Known as Sir Reed Richards, leading “The Four from the Fantastick.”

Ultimate Marvel: An alternate Reed with different life events but similar intelligence and powers.

Marvel 2099: A clone of Reed Richards, leading a version of the Fantastic Four as intelligent apes.

What If?: Various alternate scenarios, including one where Reed becomes a floating brain or another where he gains powers based on his personality traits.

Notable Storylines:

Reed has been involved in numerous universe-altering events, including wielding the Infinity Gauntlet,

creating realities with his son Franklin, and dealing with the aftermath of cosmic-level threats like Galactus and Thanos.

Legacy: Reed Richards is not just a hero but a symbol of scientific exploration and innovation within the Marvel Universe, often blurring the lines between heroism and the quest for knowledge.

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